GET INVOLVED WITH MARACAs a volunteer-run organization, member involvement is essential to MARAC’s success. Whether you’re interested in light involvement or a longer commitment, there are many ways you can contribute to this vibrant community. Serving with MARAC is a fantastic way to strengthen your resume, to develop new skills, and to expand your professional network. Explore MARAC’s Organizational Chart to see how it all fits together! RUN FOR AN ELECTED POSITIONClick on the positions to learn more about their responsibilities
Chair-elect (2nd year as MARAC Chair) Diversity and Inclusion Coordinator VOLUNTEER TO BE APPOINTED TO A POSITIONServe as a non-voting member of the Steering Committee in an appointed position without running for election. Click on the positions to learn more about their responsibilities or contact [email protected]. Development Coordinator Historian VOLUNTEER TO BE APPOINTED TO A COMMITTEECommittees work under the direction of the Steering Committee. Committee members are appointed by the Chair-Elect. Click on the committees to learn more about their work or contact [email protected].
Communications Committee Meetings Coordinating Committee SERVE AS A MENTORThe MARAC Mentoring Program features team-based mentoring: one-to-two mentors assigned to small cohorts of mentees. These cohorts can be aligned by a subject area, technical area, education or professional status, or simply on general archives professional development. Groups of mentees can self-identify as a cohort. The assigned mentor will have experience and interests relevant to the focus of the group. For more information, visit the Mentoring Program webpage or contact [email protected]. ASSIST WITH PLANNING A CONFERENCEMARAC hosts both in-person and virtual conferences. Help to plan the program content, to coordinate local arrangements such as tours and hotel needs, or to coordinate technology at a virtual conference. Watch for messages calling for volunteers or contact to learn more. SUBMIT CONTENT TO MARAC’S QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER, The Mid-Atlantic Archivist.Visit the Mid-Atlantic Archivist webpage or contact [email protected] for more information. NETWORK AND VOLUNTEER DURING ONE OF MARAC’s SERVICE PROJECTSProjects occur at conferences or through State Caucuses. Keep an eye out for calls for volunteers.
MARAC thrives because our volunteers offer their time, perspective, experience, and energy to serve the needs of our community. Thank you for your interest in serving!