Education Committee

Mission and Goals

We are committed to facilitating, sponsoring, and promoting educational offerings to archivists in the MARAC region.

Our Responsibilities

  1. We will develop, coordinate, and oversee workshops offered in conjunction with the in-person meetings and offer workshops at other times and locations throughout the year.
  2. We will develop other programs, activities, and resources that support the organization's members.
    1. The Education Committee is responsible for organizing the pre-meeting workshops and overseeing the workshops at the conference. It is also responsible for additional publicity for the conference that is specific to the workshops, such as forwarding information about the workshops to library and museum associations in the vicinity of the conference and sending separate stand-alone messages about each workshop to the SAA list and other appropriate venues.
    2. These may include webinars, online resource lists and bibliographies, book and article reviews, post-meeting round-ups, and other activities that enhance the educational experience of archivists in the MARAC region.
  3. We will appoint a member from our committee to serve as liaison to the Meetings Coordinating Committee as Workshop Coordinator. The Education Committee Workshop Coordinator handles all aspects of workshop planning from content to logistics, including developing a budget. For additional information see the Meeting Planning Guides.

We will submit a written report of our activities and recommendations to the Steering Committee a minimum of twice per year.

Operations Manual

Detailed descriptions of committee responsibilities and work timelines can be found HERE.

Our Time Commitment

We meet once a month on average for 90 minutes. Monthly work fluctuates between approximately 5 hours per member and 15 hours per member.

Leading up to, during, and directly after conferences are the busiest times for the Education Committee. Our work is generally divided by role, but we support cross functional duties as needed. The bulk of our work is devoted to the following: communication with instructors and participants; outreach including calls for proposals and registration announcements; updating the website page and managing recordings; and creating and maintaining workflows, policies, surveys, and proposal forms. Conference workshop planning starts 1-2 years in advance of the event and is finalized no later than 6 months before the event.

Our Members

The Education Committee consists of up to five members appointed by the MARAC Chair-elect; these individuals should broadly have experience with archival education and should reflect the diversity of the MARAC membership. Committee members serve two-year staggered terms and may be reappointed for a second term.

Our Roles


  • Member and liaison to Steering Committee
  • Creates and maintains reports, documentation, policies, strategic plan
  • Any other work as needed and all duties assigned below

Workshop Coordinators

  • Programming and coordinating all workshops, webinars, and lectures
  • Being on-site support for conference workshops
  • Moderators as needed for virtual events
  • Point persons for Caucus reps for in-person off-conference workshops
  • Check form submissions and reach out to potential instructors
  • Create calls for proposals for upcoming conferences and off-conference events
  • Manage the workshop survey

Communications Coordinator

  • Sends workshop announcements to non-MARAC boards/groups and sister organizations
  • Maintains a list of regional, state, and national contacts including local library/archives organizations and colleges in the state of the conference; regional archives organizations for virtual events.
  • Works with the MARAC Administrator to send out workshop and proposal announcements on MARAC channels.
  • Works with Workshop Coordinators and MARAC Administrator to schedule workshop registration reminders as needed.
  • Liaison to communications initiatives and working groups within MARAC

Digital/DRUM Coordinator

  • Manages recordings of virtual workshops, metadata, and speaker release forms
  • Works with DRUM administrator and MARAC archivist to manage workflow and policies for what and when is added to the MARAC repository (DRUM)
  • Manages workflow and policies on when new content is added to the MARAC YouTube channel
  • Liaison to digital initiatives and working groups within MARAC
  • Manages timing of recording releases and works with Communication Coordinator to send announcements of new content availability

Website Coordinator

  • Creates, manages, and updates the Education tab on the MARAC Website
  • Liaison to website and documentation initiatives and working groups within MARAC


Contact the 2023-2024 Chair, Colleen Bradley-Sanders[email protected]

Members Term Ends
Colleen Bradley-Sanders, Chair Summer 2025
Elizabeth Wilkinson, Workshop Co-Coordinator Summer 2026
Amy McDonald, Workshop Co-Coordinator Summer 2025
Mae Casey Summer 2026
Melissa Erlandson Summer 2025
Karolina Lewandowska Summer 2025
Jessica Grimmer Summer 2026


Last revised July 2024